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Friday 5 June 2020

Scallion Spring Onion Pancake 清爽不油腻的葱油饼

好吃,不油腻的葱油饼。 当早餐一级棒。
Dough 面团 200克面粉 200g flour 125克热水 125g hot boiling water 1/2小匙油 1/2tsp oil shortening 酥油 30克油 30g oil 40克 面粉 40g flour 1小匙盐 1tsp salt others 其他 青葱 spring onion/scallion 肉松pork floss

Tofu claypot 火腩豆腐煲

Crispy Pork Belly 脆皮烧肉

Ondeh Ondeh | 椰糖椰丝球

Teach you one way to crack a coconut without any tool!! So easy, and so quick. Guys, I am small, no muscle, hahaha, it only took me 2 whacks and the coconut just split into half. If I can do it, come on, everyone can do it。 Using knife, using hammer? Come on, forget it. Is dangerous, not efficient and wasting time.
It may be extremely easy for you to get the fresh coconut milk and shredded / desiccated coconut in your country. However, in Australia?? No way, I have never seen it. I was so excited when I saw the coconut one day in the market and therefore I have decided to make my very first fresh coconut milk and desiccated coconut. Ondeh ondeh is a type of nyonya kuih available in Malaysia and Indonesia. It is very easy to make as you can see in the video. The texture is stretchy and the filling is sweet with the flavour of palm sugar and the aroma of coconut covering the balls. 叫你一招,不用任何工具,就可以把椰子剖/砍成两半。我很厉害吧。哈哈哈。不是啦, 真的,只要方法对,每个人都可以做到。看看我,小小只,没力气的我都可以做到,所以你也可以做到哦。我总共砸了5颗椰子,每一颗,我最多砸了两次,就裂开了。所以没有想象中那么难。用刀,用斧头,算了吧。 在你们的国家,想要一包新鲜的椰浆/椰丝,唾手可得。 但是在澳洲,不用想,至少我在这里十多年从来就没有看见过。 椰糖椰丝球,一个简单的娘惹糕点,看影片你就知道有多简单了。 吃一口,爆浆的感觉,太棒了。 加上外层的椰丝,好吃的不得了。