记得在SunnyBank 那里,有一间台湾吃,只要你叫了一碗饭/面,就有免费的酸辣汤,无限供应。听起来好好噢。可是。。。 他的酸辣汤真是不好吃,没味道- 不辣,也不酸。
食材:豆腐(切丁)、香菇(泡软)、木耳 (泡软)、冬笋、鸡肉(或火腿、猪肉丝都可)、鸡蛋, 番茄
2. 鸡肉, 番茄, 香菇先翻炒一会儿
3. 倒入滚开的水/ 上汤。 让它继续滚一会儿, 加入木耳,冬笋和豆腐,继续让它滚开。
4. 依自己的喜好加入适量的调味料。
5. 加入水淀粉
6. 加入打散的蛋,蛋倒入时,需快速搅拌
7. 最后滴入香油就好了。
A - Tofu, shitake mushroom (soak till soft), chicken (or ham or pork etc), egg, fresh tomato
B - corn flour with water, salt, soy sauce, dark vinegar and white pepper, sesame oil
1. Beat the egg, all other ingredients, cut into thin slices.
2. Fry the chicken, tomato and the shitake mushroom for about 2 minutes.
3. Pour in the chicken stock (or any other stock), let it boiled. Then add in all the other ingredients A, let it boil again.
4. Put in all the other ingredients B, the quantity of the vinegar and salt depends on your own taste. If you want it sour, then add more vinegar and vice versa
5. Add in the water (mixed with corn flour) to make it more sticky
6. Add in the beaten egg, quickly stir it.
7. Finally add 2-3 drop of sesame oil.
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