1kg 五花肉
4-5 个水煮蛋
4 瓣蒜
1/2 杯花雕酒/米酒
3 颗八角
20 克 冰糖
1 tbsp 老抽
3 tbsp 生抽/酱油
1. 用滚水川烫五花肉
2. 拿一个不沾锅, 把五花肉煸出油来。 把肉盛起。
3. 同锅, 爆香蒜, 姜片和葱段。 把煸好的五花肉和冰糖放进来,趁锅还很热的时候,快速的倒下花雕酒/米酒。 翻炒至冰糖溶化。
4. 冰糖溶化后, 倒入滚水入锅内, 大约盖过五花肉的分量。
5. 加入调味料, 中火煮约1小时, 或至软。 煮的过程中,加入水煮蛋。 最后加入盐调味。
温馨提示: 肉煮软时, 如果锅内还有很多汁,开大火收汁至你要的浓稠度。 毕竟太稀也不好吃。 煮好的汁拿来拌饭真的好香,很好吃。 小孩子爱, 大人也喜欢。
1kg pork belly
4-5 boiled egg
4 cloves garlic
5 ginger slices
Shallot (separate the white and green part)
1/2 cup cooking wine
3 star anise
boiling water
20g rock sugar
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
3 tbsp soy sauce
salt to taste
1. Pour the hot boiling water in the pork to give it a thorough clean.
2. Take a non stick wok, fry the pork belly (and you will slowly see
the fat / oil coming out from the pork),at this point of time, the pork
should turn a bit brownish.
3. Same wok, fry the garlic, ginger and
shallot (white part) till fragrant. Then add the pork belly and rock
sugar. While the wok is still very hot, add the cooking wine and fry
till the rock sugar is dissolved.
4. After the rock sugar is dissolved, pour in the hot boiling water, the quantity should be about to cover the pork belly.
5. Add in the soy sauce, dark soy sauce and cook under medium heat for
an hour or until the meat is tender. In the middle of cooking process,
add in the boiled egg. Finally add the salt to taste.
Tip: By
the end of cooking process, if there is still a lot of gravy in the wok,
turn to high heat to reduce the gravy as it taste better with a
thickened gravy.
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